Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Right now while I'm wasting my life and my waistline at this office job I'm dreaming of a new life. Waking up in the morning, surveying our crops while I sip home grown tea, saying hi to the ladies and thanking them for their eggs, cooking up a fresh omelet- ooh, with fresh chives and tomatoes- toasting some bread made the night before, strapping Zander-man to my side, and stepping out again to tend to the plant life. I have to admit at this point I don't know what that 'tending to' would even entail. I need to learn more. Maybe I can better envision tending to the animal life! Feeding the ladies, petting the bunnies, watering the worms. Heaven.
Oh woe is me, what to do about my student loans! Right now after paying for child care and stupid car insurance- and smelly gas and parking tickets and car payments- there is just enough money left over from my salary to cover my student loans. This is not the life I dreamt of! Can I do better?
Most of my friends are held up from living the life they love because of student loans and health insurance. I seek the path around these oppressive obstacles.

Monday, August 24, 2009

We Begin

Dorian mowed the grass yesterday. And cut the hedges. These are not things we plan on doing again. Well, maybe we'll have to do them a couple times more before winter begins. However, once the ground thaws next spring, we will be well on our way to abolishing that lawn and hedges. The lawn will be easy, we'll mulch. But what to do with the hedges? They serve no purpose and aren't particularly pretty. And if we let them grow wild, well, we won't have space for those luscious eggplants, fat cucumbers, and aromatic herbs we fancy ourselves growing.

We really need to read up on permaculture-ing. It seems like a lot of trial and error will be necessary at first. But knowing some basic concepts, such as the Three Sisters (http://www.reneesgarden.com/articles/3sisters.html) will be very helpful. We seek suggestions!